برنامج منح برتلسمان للتكنولوجيا - Bertelsmann Technology Scholarship Program - Tech Developers


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Wednesday, September 23, 2020

برنامج منح برتلسمان للتكنولوجيا - Bertelsmann Technology Scholarship Program

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شركة Bertelsmann فتحت ال Phase التانية من ال Scholarship بتاعتها على Udacity لأي حد أكبر من 18 سنة مهتم بمجالات Cloud Computing, Data Science or Artificial Intelligence
التقديم هيتقفل يوم 16 نوفمبر وهيتقبل منها 15000 واحد يخشوا ال Scholarship اللي هتكون زي اللي فاتت على مرحلتين... المرحلة الأولى Challenge Course وهتستمر 3 شهور ونص والكورسات هي...
- Cloud track: Introduction to Azure Applications
- Data track: Introduction to Problem Solving and Advanced Analytics
- AI track: Introduction to AI in Business
ال AI مش محتاج أي خبرة... ال Data محتاج بس تكون عارف الاكسل وفاهم شوية احصا وجبر انما ال Cloud هو اللي محتاج شوية خبرة ف Python, SQL and Git
بعد المرحلة الألى فيه 1600 واحد هيخشوا المرحلة التانية وهياخدوا ال Full nanodegrees دي:
- Cloud track: Cloud Developer with Microsoft Azure
- Data track: Predictive Analytics for Business
- AI track: AI Product Manager
آخر حاجة خلوا بالكم من ال Prerequisites ومن ال Note دي وانتوا بتقدموا...
Recipients should be prepared to invest about 3-5 hours per week during the Challenge Course and about 5–10 hours per week during the Nanodegree programs.
أخيرا ده اللينك ياريت تقروا ال FAQ كويس عشان هتفيدكم وانتوا بتقدموا وممكن تسجلوا عشان يتبعتلك ايميل اول لما تفتح المنحه:


Bertelsmann company has opened the second phase of its scholarship on Udacity for any limit greater than 18 years old interested in the fields of Cloud Computing, Data Science or Artificial Intelligence.

Applications will close on November 16th and will accept 15,000 scholarship students
The first stage is the Challenge Course, which lasts 3 months, and the courses are ...
-Cloud track: Introduction to Azure Applications
-Data track: Introduction to Problem Solving and Advanced Analytics
- AI track: Introduction to AI in Business
The AI ​​does not need any experience ... Data is need you know Excel and understand a little bit of algebra, but the Cloud is need a little experience in Python, SQL and Git

After the first stage with 1600 people, they will enter the second stage and take these full nanodegrees:
-Cloud track: Cloud Developer with Microsoft Azure
-Data track: Predictive Analytics for Business
- AI track: AI Product Manager

The last thing you need is to leave you free of the Prerequisites and the Note de and you will advance ...
Recipients should be prepared to invest about 3-5 hours per week during the Challenge Course and about 5-10 hours per week during the Nanodegree programs.

Finally, this link, I wish you read the FAQ, so that it can help you and want to apply, and you can register here :


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